Having a strong personal brand helps you stand out in a crowd. It can help you gain new and better clients, so you do better in your current job. And it gets you noticed when you're looking for a promotion or a new job. In today's job marketplace, getting noticed is something that usually happens online. Employers use the web to check out job applicants, and they're increasingly likely to skip over those who don't have much of an online footprint. That's why it's so important for job applicants to have a strong and consistent web presence, one that announces and reinforces their own personal brand. Social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ can all be used to promote your personal brand.But building a personal brand is about more than just online self-promotion. Building your brand is a continuous process. It involves gaining new experiences, new knowledge and skills, expanding your circle of relationships, and increasing the value that you bring to every work project and business relationship.
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