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Content Marketing

with Mind Edge

This course offers an introduction to content marketing, a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience. With an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics, the course examines ways that marketers can tailor their content to meet the specific needs of potential customers as they travel through the sales funnel. Learners will explore how content is used to build brand awareness and establish the brand as a trusted source of expert advice.

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Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, and analyzing data in order to make more effective decisions. As such, statistics is critical to a successful business. This introductory-level course is meant for non-financial managers. Understanding statistical techniques can help any manager responsible for marketing, management, accounting, sales, or other business functions. This course will also cover graphical representations of data that your stakeholders may expect when reviewing the results of any statistical analysis.

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This completely online and self-paced one-module course utilizes Inc. Magazine's prize-winning editorial content to introduce basic concepts of business leadership, including communication and motivation; leading teams; leading virtual workers; and leading during times of change. The focus is on providing practical, hands-on advice to entrepreneurs and small-business people, including video segments with analysis and commentary from industry-leading practitioners and subject matter experts. The course also offers real-world examples, how-to lists and advice, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material.

Included with your course is a six-month complimentary subscription to Inc. Magazine. Your subscription will start with the current issue. Inc. Magazine publishes 6 issues a year.

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Technical writing is a highly coveted professional skill that involves absorbing technical information and then communicating it through a document that is tailored to a specific audience, usually to inform, instruct, or persuade. This introductory course will explain what technical writing is and what technical writers do, exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies they employ. It will also guide you through the technical writing process, from initial plans to final revisions.

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This online and self-paced Global Supply Chain Management prepares learners to take NASBITE's Certified Global Business Professional™ exam. It includes an in-depth review of the Global Supply Chain Management knowledge area aligned with NASBITE's practice delineation, exam taking tips, module quizzes, and a 25-question Practice Exam covering the Global Supply Chain Management area of knowledge. For a comprehensive NASBITE CGBP™ Exam Prep course, register for the full suite of International Trade courses, which includes Global Business Management, Global Supply Chain Management, Global Marketing, and Global Trade Finance. The course provides an overview of essential skills for managing supply-chain logistics in an international business context. It covers practical applications of supply-chain management including: transportation modes; taxes, duties and quotas; trade agreements; packaging requirements; use of intermediaries; documentation requirements; legal and regulatory requirements; insurance; trade conventions; and the offshore procurement process.

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This online course equips both new and experienced managers with the skills and resources necessary to foster strong connections, lead change, and resolve potential conflicts. Throughout ten segments, students will learn practical ways to better coach and motivate their teams, whether operating in an in-person office environment or a remote work setting. The self-paced course offers an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, case studies, and self-assessments that engage learners and provide opportunities to practice and apply key management skills.

This course has been evaluated by The American Council on Education's College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT®) with a recommendation of 3 credits, lower division, in management.

Successful completion for the ACE CREDIT® designation is based on student performance on a final cumulative exam. The final exam is composed of 70 multiple-choice questions. Students will have 2.5 hours to complete the exam. The exam is proctored. For more information, please see the syllabus.

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