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Human resources professionals are charged with supporting the success of their organizations in ways that are ethical and socially responsible. Ethical organizations must consider questions about what is right and fair in all decision-making processes. Because HR professionals are involved in designing and enforcing policies that impact the people who work in an organization, they play an especially powerful role in shaping the ethical culture. Each of these 1.5-hour courses explores the relationship between human resources and creating an ethical workplace. While some delve into theoretical and philosophical questions about how we can know what is right and wrong, others focus on applying theory to practice in an organizational setting. After completing the courses in this certificate, the learner will be prepared to play an essential role in shaping the ethical culture in their workplace. Each self-paced course features an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, case studies, and assessments.

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Frontline managers sit at the very first level of management across a company's business operations and functions, and are utilized in just about every industry and market. They make up 60% of a company's management ranks, and directly supervise as much as 80% of the workforce. They are the representation of a brand - interacting with customers, speaking to vendors, negotiating contracts, and managing employees. They are, in essence, a company's strategy in motion and the key to its success.The Frontline Manager® certificate and courses were developed to offer vital training in core managerial skills to first-level managers. With a focus on topics such as supervision, coaching, leadership styles, navigating organizational culture, and time management, the courses are designed to help frontline managers develop into true leaders within an organization. The certificate consists of 9 courses and a simulation that are online and self-paced, offering flexibility in the delivery and timeframe. No prerequisites are required to begin the courses. A course will be considered complete when the participant has done all assignments, exercises, review checkpoints, and has received at least a 70% on the course final exam. Students will have 12 months to complete all the courses in the certificate.

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This intermediate-level course is designed to help Agile practitioners recognize and resolve many of the common issues that emerge when Agile concepts are introduced into Waterfall organizations. The course begins with 24 video segments from seasoned Agile trainers and practitioners who provide tips and best practices for addressing integration obstacles. The course then presents 20 short case studies that simulate the communication and interchanges that can occur as Agile and Waterfall practitioners work to resolve differences in the ways that they see and execute tasks. As students evaluate these case studies, they'll learn to deconstruct and diagnose any underlying problems that need to be resolved, just as they would in everyday practice. While they work to decode and correct these issues, they'll begin to recognize the common pitfalls that can happen as project teams collaborate and interact.

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More than ever, organizational success relies upon the ability to both create and lead high-performance teams. Every leader wants to tap the full potential of their team. It's not enough, however, to simply hire and train the smartest and most experienced people you can find. Team leaders must develop the necessary skills and strategies to maximize their team's potential to drive team productivity, efficiency, creativity and, ultimately, performance. By doing so, leaders can engage their team for better results and develop a stronger organizational culture.

Included with your course is a one (1) year complimentary subscription to Inc. Magazine ($19.99 value). Your subscription will start with the current issue. Inc. Magazine publishes 6 issues a year.

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Startups and small businesses are the growth engines of the American economy, but that growth doesn't just happen by itself. Growing a business takes time, hard work, and skill—and it certainly helps when you can get a lot of practical advice along the way. This bundle is based on Inc. Magazine's award-winning journalistic content and features practical, experience-based assignments that will provide entrepreneurs and small-business owners with the skills necessary to navigate the various stages of growing a business. Courses in this bundle offer real-world examples, how-to lists and advice, industry spotlights, videos from industry-leading practitioners, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material.

Follow this link to register: 

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