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No matter your age or what phase of your career you're in, leadership is a crucial skill on the path to success. This course examines how to be an effective leader. This course asks the crucial questions about leadership in today's organizations: What is leadership and why is it important? What does effective leadership require? What is visionary leadership? What is the role of charisma? What is the difference between managing, administering, and leading? This course offers a balance of the theory of leadership with some real-world application to help you develop this critical skill for personal growth and success.

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A great editor is like a great mechanic. They look at a piece of writing the same way a mechanic looks at a car: they assess the current state, see if it has any issues, and tune it up so it's good to go. As you can imagine, there is no lack of metaphor to describe the task of editing. This course will help you discern between metaphor and fact to discover the truth of editing. You will learn the foundational principles of copyediting, the golden rules of proofreading, and what professional editors actually do and how you can do it, too.

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Personal Finance

with Mind Edge

Personal finance is a critical skill for long-term financial success. However, many adults have learned what they know about personal finance as they've progressed through life. What have you missed along the way? No matter what your financial situation is, it is important to understand how to handle your money. This course will familiarize you with the basics of budgeting, including creating and managing a budget, as well as setting financial goals, understanding your credit, tips for saving money, and the basics of investing.

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This online course teaches essential skills and knowledge for entrepreneurs. Throughout five segments, learners will explore how entrepreneurs create successful ventures, and develop functional skills in management, accounting, marketing, and business law. The self-paced course offers an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, selected readings, case studies, and self-assessments that engage students and provide opportunities to practice entrepreneurial skills.

This course is made up of the following components:

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Business Law for Entrepreneurs

Leadership and Management for Entrepreneurs

Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs

Strategic Marketing for Entrepreneurs

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Whether you have years of experience in the nonprofit sector, or you're considering a possible career shift, this simulation is designed to challenge and engage participants while exploring key real-world leadership issues confronted by nonprofit managers. The learner assumes the role of executive director of the troubled Courtney Museum, and deals with a series of personnel, marketing, financial, and board and community relations issues. As the learner makes tough decisions, an adaptive scoreboard reflects the impact of those choices on the museum's prospects. Video commentary from experienced nonprofit leaders provides qualitative context and explores the consequences of choosing different paths for reviving the museum.

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This course contains the Center for Financial Training & Education Alliance's (CFTEA) online exam for the Modern Banking Representative Certification (MBRC). As a modern certification in today's business world, the nationally accepted MBRC covers material designed to provide relevant knowledge to new and entry-level employees as they develop and advance in their professional careers at financial institutions.

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